Zombie biker 7 days to die
Zombie biker 7 days to die

zombie biker 7 days to die

The Quest is received when completing the ‘Basics of Survival’ quest chain. We also added a new ‘White River Citizen’ quest to find Trader Outposts. Invest in the Barter skill and Secret the Stash perk to get better deals and see better items with traders. Traders are open for business between dawn and dusk. Some items can only be bought or sold in bundles. They also have a secret stash category signified by a safe icon which offers special items based on your level and perks. Traders will restock items periodically so check back often. The in-game economy uses Duke coins and players can see how many they have in the upper right corner of their backpack. It is wise to close the gate behind you so you don’t let the zombies follow you into a settlement. When they open they unlock their gate and turn on their open sign. When they close they lock their gate and turn off their open sign. Traders announce over loudspeakers when they are open, closed and about to close. The settlements are 100% land protected, players cannot build near them and players will be teleported out when the traders are closed so they cannot be exploited as a night time safe haven. NPCs include Trader Joel, Trader Rekt, Trader Bob, Trader Hugh and Trader Jimmy.

zombie biker 7 days to die

These Settlements and NPCs appear in both Navezgane and Random Gen Worlds. We have added NPC traders to the game at 5 unique White River settlements signified by a White River Flag and a Traitor Joel’s sign. Players can at their leisure read these tips on advanced gameplay system teaching players everything from gun assembly when finding their first gun to harvesting with the best tool after killing their first animal. The system writes all old tips and has over 20 new conditionally based in-game tips that pop out with a right screen notification. We added a Random Gen Wolrd Previewer tool see the modding section below for more details.Ī new journal tip system has been added to the main in game menu signified by a pen icon.All new locations spawn except for the football stadium, canyon gift shop and canyon cliff dwellings.Rwgmixer is saved to the game’s save dir: This ensures the same terrain generation and biome generation and prefab regardless of edits to the main file.Hubcell data is generated and saved in the game’s save dir: This allows backward compatibility and prevents RWG from regenerating the hub each time it’s called when not cached.Biome generation is now also in rwgmixer.xml : This allows for modification of biomes.Terrain generation is now in rwgmixer.xml: This allows for modification of the terrain.New road system that uses pathfinding for smoother transitions in height in all areas besides the hub entries.We’ve greatly improved random gen with many improvements and additions including: Canyon gift shop and scenic overlook (Navezgane Only).Indian Cliff Dwellings (Navezgane Only).

zombie biker 7 days to die

Over 23 new locations have been added to Game most in both Navezgane and Random Gen.New highly embellished height map with huge mountains in every biome.Almost 2 square kilometers of new explorable space has been unlocked.New Distant Terrain feature renders terrain over 1 kilometer away.Falls du Probleme beim Starten haben solltest, wird außerdem empfohlen, das Spiel zu deinstallieren und neu aufspielen oder gar dein Spielerprofil komplett zu löschen und neu anlegen.ĭa eine Übersetzung aufgrund des immensen Umfanges zeitlich kaum zu bewältigen ist, präsentieren wir dir das Ganze im Original: Dies bedeutet, dass du ein neues Spiel beginnen musst. Das Ganze ist so umfangreich, dass das Framework teilweise geändert wurde.


Genau genommen handelt es sich dabei um das größte Update in der Geschichte des Spiels. Was es Neues gibt, erfährst du hier.ĭie Alpha 15 für 7 Days to Die bringt neue Dinge. Dabei handelt es sich um das umfangreichste Update, mit dem das Survival-Spiel bisher bedacht wurde. Die Alpha 15 für 7 Days to Die ist draußen.

Zombie biker 7 days to die